
Browse the Galleries by selecting from the menu, see what you recognise. Illustrations for Michelle Paver books and other authors are to be found in "Illustrations" gallery. 

Warrior's Bond

Einarinn's greatest warrior, the swordsman Ryshad, has sworn to protect his lord, Messire D'Olbriot, even if it means watching his love, the beautiful thief Livak, embark on a dangerous quest to find the lost aetheric magic on her own. But shadow and intrigue lie over the land, and a journey to recover magical artifacts leads the swordsman back to the lost colony of Kellarin, whose settlers have only recently been awoken from centuries of enchanted sleep. Amidst the intricate halls...

Domes of Fire

The first of "The Tamuli" trilogy which continues the adventures of Sparhawk. Having freed Queen Ehlana from the spell which threatened her life, Sparhawk returns to Elenia. However, Ehlana and Sparhawk's peaceful reign is destined not to last because unrest is brewing in the Tamul Empire

Black Trillium (v1)

Black Trillium. Those with the gift have the power. One stormy night, three princesses are born. As each baby is placed into her mother's arms, so the Archimage Binah bestows on her a gift of great power: a pendant containing a bud of the long-extinct Black Trillium. One day that power will be all that protects the princesses from certain doom

Princes of Sandastre

In the year of our Lord 1403, as England smoulders with rebellion, young Simon Branthwaite sets sail across the Atlantic in search of the lost realm of Lyonesse.

Broken Chalice

Silas has fled with the broken Chalice of Önd, forcing the companions to flee into the surrounding forest, pursued and hunted by the remaining angry swarms of hobs. But their escape is slow as Isolde falls ill; the injured hand she plunged into the Chalice during the ceremony is infected and the disease is spreading rapidly, transforming her flesh into the scales of a hob. Sick with worry, Rollo decides to go after the chalice, hoping to reverse the spell, but Leaf insists on returning to aid...

Prince of Chaos

Prince of Chaos. Merlin Corey travels to the Courts of Chaos, where he discovers the reasons behind many of the forces that have shaped his life.

The Thief's Gamble

A thief and gambler who plies her trade in the back streets of the kingdom, Livak succumbs to the irresistible impulse to join an expedition to Hadrumal, fabled city of the Archmage, unaware that the stolen tankard she is carrying contains the secrets of a powerful ancient magic.

The Light Bearer

Before the fall of the Empire, Rome is a decadent and dangerous place. When Marcus is plucked from the sewers and restored to his father's house he makes enemies. Auriane's destiny is one of war and blood-shed; of age-old feuds; and leads her to Marcus, her enemy and her love.

Guardians of the West

Guardians of the West. Warned by the prophecy that a new and greater danger threatens the lands of the West, Garion, Belgarath and Polgara must begin another quest to save the lands from great evil. Eleven years have passed since Garion's killing of the evil God Torak and his marriage to Ce'Nedra. He is now Overlord of the West, slowly learning how to cope with the duties of a king and to overcome the difficulties within his marriage. When the Orb of Aldur warns Garion to `Beware...

The Demon Awakens

THE DEMON AWAKENS is the first of a new series of fantasy novels that takes two orphaned children to a destiny that will change their world. With a superb magic system, unforgettable characters, vividly described violence, an ancient evil and a unique take on religion within a fantasy world this is superb fantasy from an author with a bestselling track record.