Fool's Run
This illustration by Geoff Taylor, was originally used on Fool's Run, written by Patricia A Mckillip,
Original Art

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In this science fiction painting by Geoff Taylor for Fool's Run there is a red moon, or planet in the sky. The pounding waves on the beach has washed up an angel or a vision. A winged girl is lying on the sand her long hair has been spread out by the waves. This painting has crease marks across the horizon line. This damage is reflected in the price.

Synopsis for Original Title
Fool's Run. Seven years ago, a vision drove Terra Viridian to the murder of fifteen hundred innocents underneath the blazing sky of Desert Sector. Now she waits within the orbiting penal colony known as the Underworld, doomed to a life sentence, seeing nothing but the endless, enigmatic vision unfolding before her eyes. On Earth, Patroller Aaron Fisher, whose wife was one of Terra's victims, searches for answers and for the missing sister of Terra Viridian: he too is driven by a vision. The Underworld revolves in its double ring of light and dark, Terra waits and Aaron searches...but things are changing. Quasar, the Scholar, Gambler, the Nebraskan: they are the band Nova on a off-world tour beginning at the Underworld, led by the Magician, a musician who can play anything, who shares in the alien visions unfolding within Terra Viridian's mind. And joining them is the Queen of Hearts, a musician who hides her past behind a mask of gold; who, like Orpheus, will go down into the Underworld in search of the thing she search of a vision.
Set in a futuristic environment, where Earth is divided into fourteen sectors under the eye of the Free World Government, where the weapon of choice is the light-rifle and sol-cars form daily air traffic among the towering ghettos, "Fool's Run" proves itself capable of blending both the distant future and the ancient past, the immediacy of the present and the atmosphere of myth. Its language is rich, precise, effortlessly describing the alien imagery of Terra's vision and the bar where Nova plays; characters reveal themselves through speech and action, not through long exposition; and the plot unfolds with the certainty of legend.

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1. Where possible the year shown is the actual creation year, though where this has not been available the first known publication date has been used for reference.
2. Sometimes the Medium is listed as Unknown. In most cases this is due to the original being lost or sold. With few records remaining,
3. The Size shown is approximate, +/-1 inch (2.5 cm). If the exact size of the image, and medium is required, please contact us.