Games Workshop

Select an option from the menu on the left to see the artwork Geoff created for the covers for the White Dwarf gaming magazine, which also feature on Boxed Games,  Black Library book cover art, and "OTHERS" also Workshop related artwork.


Gotrek & Felix are back aboard an arcane dwarf airship in search of a horde of gold – and its deadly guardian.

White Dwarf 179 &181 Titan Legions

Titan Legions is a part of Games Workshop's Epic games system for 6mm miniature battles in the popular Warhammer 40,000 setting. It can be played as a stand-alone game, pitting Imperial Titans against Orkish Gargants, but is fully compatible with Space Marine and all it's supplements The Titans, war engines of the Collegia Titanica, are massive fighting machines as tall as skyscrapers. Each carries an arsenal of deadly weapons powered by the fury of its plasma reactor and is...

Gotrek & Felix - Third Omnibus

Would-be poet Felix Jaeger accidentally signs up for a lifetime of adventure after swearing a drunken oath to the dwarf, Gotrek Gurnisson. The trollslayer is wandering through the Old World, seeking an honourable death in combat to redeem his honour. As the pair survive one adventure after another, with Gotrek vanquishing the most fearsome opponents, will Felix ever be able to fulfil his vow and return to a normal, peaceful life? This omnibus collects the three thrilling adventures of...

The Space Wolf Omnibus

Space Wolf, Ragnar's Claw and Grey Hunter, these three classic SF stories follow the adventures of Ragnar the Space Wolf, from his recruitment by the Space Marines on the savage world of Fenris to his aventures amongst the stars. Whether Ragnar and his friends are fighting orks, mutants, or the foul forces of Chaos, adventure is never far behind!

Wolf's Honour

Wolf's Honour by Lee Lightner. Following events described in Sons of Fenris, the Space Wolves find themselves under attack from all sides by the Thousand Sons Chaos Space marines. In a last-ditch attempt to stop their ancient enemy, Ragnar and his battle-brothers launch a lightning strike on the Thousand Sons' base. Will the Space Wolves triumph, and can Ragnar retrieve the Spear of Russ from his nemesis, the Chaos Space Marine Madox?