Games Workshop

Select an option from the menu on the left to see the artwork Geoff created for the covers for the White Dwarf gaming magazine, which also feature on Boxed Games,  Black Library book cover art, and "OTHERS" also Workshop related artwork.

White Dwarf 176 Talisman

Talisman. The third edition of one of Games Workshop's most popular board games. Enter a world of fantastic heroic adventure, where magic really works and monsters roam the land. You are an adventurer on a quest to retrieve the fabled Crown of Command from its fearsome guardian, the Dragon King. You must find one of the Magic Talismans that will allow you to enter the Dragon King's lair and then defeat him in mortal combat. On your quest you will encounter powerful enemies, discover...

White Dwarf 247 - Fortress

Warhammer 40K, WH40K or simply 40K is a tabletop miniature roleplaying wargame produced by Games Workshop


Necromancer chronicles the fall from grace of an apprentice physician who seems to want nothing more than to help people. It is written from the main characters perspective as he confesses to a priest of the evil in his past.

Masters of Magic

Masters of Magic sees a large Orc hoard invading the empire destroying everything in its path. Leading the hoard is a shaman of prestigious power and only the Battle Wizards of the Empire's Collages of Magic stand a chance at bringing the beast down but political infighting and personal grudges are threatening to curtail the Empires response. In the middle of the storm the young and inexperienced Grey Wizard Lothar must overcome his insecurities and fight for his life.

White Dwarf 223 Lizardmen

The Lizardmen are a faction in the fictional Warhammer Fantasy setting, and an army in the tabletop wargame Warhammer Fantasy Battle (based in the same setting), which is created by Games Workshop. The Lizardmen forces have a mesoamerican / Aztec themed culture, and are composed of various reptilian and amphibian creatures, including many based on dinosaurs and pterosaurs.

White Dwarf 220 Tears of Isha

The premise for the campaign is that two brothers have become estranged. The younger brother was chosen as the successor to the estate by their father, and the older brother fled to the Dark Elves, where he was taken in. Now, the older has returned with a Dark Elf army to exact vengeance upon his brother. Each of the brothers holds a sword that contains a Tear of Isha, and whoever holds both tears wins the campaign

Warhammer Bestiary Skaven

Warhammer Bestiary. Skaven serve Chaos by spreading pestilence and decay. Prime instigators are Clan Eshin and Clan Pestilens.

Gotrek & Felix - Third Omnibus

Would-be poet Felix Jaeger accidentally signs up for a lifetime of adventure after swearing a drunken oath to the dwarf, Gotrek Gurnisson. The trollslayer is wandering through the Old World, seeking an honourable death in combat to redeem his honour. As the pair survive one adventure after another, with Gotrek vanquishing the most fearsome opponents, will Felix ever be able to fulfil his vow and return to a normal, peaceful life? This omnibus collects the three thrilling adventures of...

White Dwarf 184 - Warhammer Quest

Each hero comes from a different people. The Barbarian has traveled far from the savage north, a land of bitter cold and ferocious warriors. The Wizard hails from the cities of the Empire, the largest and most important of the realms of men. The Dwarf is drawn by the goldlust for which his race is famous. Dwarfs are grim and rather abrupt, but they are good fighters and loyal friends who remember debts of gratitude as readily as debts of coin. The Elf comes from the green woods of Loren where...