Geoff's Website

Black and white illustration prices are on request and will be between £20 and £250

Geoff Taylor has illustrated book covers for many publishers around the world for over 40 years. Geoff is best known within the Fantasy and Sci Fiction genres for his book cover art. working with authors such as Raymond E. Feist, David Eddings, Katharine Kerr, Jack Vance and many others. Warhammer Rulebook

Geoff has created paintings for Games Workshop, the largest role-playing games company in the world, for use on their White Dwarf magazine, Warhammer box covers and bookcovers for the Black Library. Wolf from Wolf Brother

There are also hundreds more illustrations inside books, such as The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness: (Illustration from Wolf Brother Book 1) a series of 6 books by Michelle Paver. Geoff was also one of the illustrators for Jeff Waynes Musical Version of The War of the Worlds Album booklet.

Siesta - wolf cubs resting

Geoff is also an accomplished wildlife artist, this can be seen in the detail of his wildlife art, paintings of wolves, owls, deer and other animals. Wildlife Prints can be found in For Sale section of the website.

To view the artwork, many of which are for sale, go to Galleries then select from the list.

Rise of a Merchant Prince

Roo Avery, recently returned from a harrowing brush with the armies of the Emerald Queen, is now free to choose his own destiny and his ultimate ambition is to become one of the richest and most powerful merchants in Midkemia. But nothing can prepare him for the dangers of the new life he has chosen where the demand for repayment of a debt can be as deadly as a knife in the shadows. Even those closest to him are suspect and as Roo struggles to build his financial empire, betrayel is forever...

Shadow of the Swan

The Lord Alexand DeKoven Woolf was born destined to lead the Concord, the Two System's ultimate empire, but to prevent it from imploding into a Third Dark Age, he surrendered his birthright of power to become Alex Ransom, leader of the outlawed Society of the Phoenix, and in the process, he surrendered the one woman he has ever loved, the Lady Adrien Eliseer. But the Lady Adrien proves her love for Alexand with unexpected and breathtaking courage in Shadow of the Swan.

Tales from the Old World

Ten tales that sweep ancient Europe, from Iceland to England and from Greece to Denmark, giving a taste of the myth and folk-tale of them all. This book is bursting with fantastic retellings of old favourites such as 'The Pied Piper of Hamelin' and 'Arthur the King'. It is alive with grippingly told, unfamiliar stories such as 'Godfather Death' and 'The Lady of Stavoren'. There's a tale in here to thrill, delight or chill every reader

The Age of Chaos This Painting is for Sale

As the fate of their world hangs in the balance, Gemma and Arden face their final challenge and find that the difference between their friends and their foes could make the difference between survival . . . and Armageddon.

Murder in LaMut

The heavy action was supposedly at Crydee these days which meant that the one place they could be sure the three of them were not going was Crydee. Come spring, the privateer Melanie was due in Ylith, and its captain could be counted on for a swift conveyance away for sure, and likely not to murder them in their sleep. That would be bad for business. But away where? That wasnt Durines worry. Kethol would surely be able to find the three of them somebody who needed men who knew which part...

Void Captains Tale

The Void Captain of the starship Dragon Zephyr encounters numerous obstacles, adventures, and triumphs in search of a new and alien world.

Secret of the Sixth Magic

The Laws of the five magics were being set aside. First to go were those of the high art of sorcery. Then true magic, upon which the commerce of all Arcadia depended, had been voided. And now even thaumaturgy, the engineering knowledge of the world, was under attack. Jemidon had traced the trouble to Melizar, the strange, cold being who had seemingly appeared from nowhere. Somehow, Melizar could alter or negate the laws that had always existed by using a mysterious metagamic - something which...

The Company of Glass

Tarquin the Free finds himself forced to risk everything in Jai Khalar, the otherworldly home of the Knowledge, when his homeland Everien is threatened by the Sekk, who command an army almost too large to comprehend.

The Wizard and the War Machine This Painting is for Sale

At the end of The Cyborg and the Sorcerers, Sam Turner was making a life for himself on the planet Dest. He thought he had left the long-lost interstellar war between Earth and its rebellious colonies behind him forever. "Forever" turned out to be eleven years. That was how long it took for another Independent Reconaissance Unit to respond to the distress call his ship had sent before it was destroyed. And this one made his own berserk killer computer look sane.