Geoff's Website

Black and white illustration prices are on request and will be between £20 and £250

Geoff Taylor has illustrated book covers for many publishers around the world for over 40 years. Geoff is best known within the Fantasy and Sci Fiction genres for his book cover art. working with authors such as Raymond E. Feist, David Eddings, Katharine Kerr, Jack Vance and many others. Warhammer Rulebook

Geoff has created paintings for Games Workshop, the largest role-playing games company in the world, for use on their White Dwarf magazine, Warhammer box covers and bookcovers for the Black Library. Wolf from Wolf Brother

There are also hundreds more illustrations inside books, such as The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness: (Illustration from Wolf Brother Book 1) a series of 6 books by Michelle Paver. Geoff was also one of the illustrators for Jeff Waynes Musical Version of The War of the Worlds Album booklet.

Siesta - wolf cubs resting

Geoff is also an accomplished wildlife artist, this can be seen in the detail of his wildlife art, paintings of wolves, owls, deer and other animals. Wildlife Prints can be found in For Sale section of the website.

To view the artwork, many of which are for sale, go to Galleries then select from the list.

The Shining Ones (v1)

Prince Sparhawk and Queen Ehlana must remain with their retinue of Pandion Knights in the Eastern land of Daresia to assist the beleagured Emperor Sarabian. The rebellion against Sarabian within the walls of the famed pearl-encrusted city of Matherion was defeated. But Sarabian’s enemies will regroup and plan an attack that will be less easily routed. Trolls despoil Atan in the North, and vampires, werewolves, zombies, ghouls and Ogres form a vast conspiracy to take over the Empire. Most...

The Forging of the Shadows

It is a time of great darkness when the sun has lost its brilliance. Mankind is divided into two warring factions--the worshippers of the God of the Light and the servants of Eternal Night. It will take the courage of three people to embark on a quest to bring back the light.

Rise of a Merchant Prince

Roo Avery, recently returned from a harrowing brush with the armies of the Emerald Queen, is now free to choose his own destiny and his ultimate ambition is to become one of the richest and most powerful merchants in Midkemia. But nothing can prepare him for the dangers of the new life he has chosen where the demand for repayment of a debt can be as deadly as a knife in the shadows. Even those closest to him are suspect and as Roo struggles to build his financial empire, betrayel is forever...

The Diamond Throne (v2)

The Diamond Throne. After a long spell of exile, Sparhawk, Pandion Knight and the Queen’s champion, returns to his native land to find it overrun with evil and intrigue – and his young Queen grievously ill. Indeed, Ehlana lies magically entombed within a block of crystal, doomed to die unless a cure can be found within a year. But as Sparhawk and his allies, who include Sephrenia, the ageless sorceress, and Flute, the strange and powerful girl-child seek to save Ehlana and the land, they...

The Demon Spirit

The Demon Spirit. Elbryab and Pony hope that the tide of darkness unleashed on Corona in "The Demon Awakens" is at last receding. Yet despite past sacrifices and endeavours there is no sign that evil is on the retreat. It falls to the two to deal with dangerous magic.

Dragonwyck This Painting is for Sale

Dragonwyck. Longing for an adventure away from her farm duties, eighteen-year-old Miranda Wells accepts her distant cousin's invitation to spend time with him at his gothic Hudson River estate in 1844.

Swords against Death

Swords Against Death, the second story in the Lankhmar series, finds Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser beginning their real journey. Their hearts altered by the loss of first true love, they embark on a long and winding path of drunken debauchery and womanizing until crossing paths with two cross wizards, Sheelba of the Eyeless Face and Nigauble of the Seven Eyes. A most violent of clashes ensues.


Rhapsody is a woman, a Singer of some talent, who is abducted by half-breeds and dragged along on an epic voyage that spans centuries and ranges across a wonder-filled world.

Kept in the Dark This Painting is for Sale

Kept in the Dark. One of a series of fiction for schools, this is an emotional thriller about what happens to three children staying with their grandparents when their mysterious and frightening cousin David arrives.


On craggy slopes above the cliffs, nests of untidy timber house the Natural dragons - with no fire or magic. Nearby live the Charmed dragons, whose magic guards the fortress. But no magic is strong enough to resist the onset of a new era as the world changes.